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Katie Keller
Katie and Erin met in preschool, became friends in 6th grade and are now best friends. They both graduated from undergrad and grad school in the same years, just miles apart, in St. Paul, MN. Katie and Andy live in St. Paul and have a daughter, Gabriella.
Conversation Starters:
- Marathons
- Snowstorm Driving
- #16
Joe Zlatic
Joe is Dan's brother and the best man. Joe attended the U-High, and has been in college at SLU for the past 25 years (only slight hyperbole). He lives in St. Louis with his wife, Monaca, and their son, George.
Conversation Starters:
- Criminal Justice
- Valentine's Day Traditions
- Singing at Weddings
Lindsay Thompson
Lindsay and Erin met in elementary school through figure skating. Lindsay graduated from the U of Wisconsin at Stout and is currently in grad school at Bethel College in St. Paul. Lindsay and Neil live in Owatonna and have two kids - Paige and Josiah.
Conversation Starters:
- Gopher Hockey
- Backpacking in Colorado
- Soulard Mardi Gras Parade
Matt Giunta
Matt, who hails from Milwaukee, WI, is Dan's brother-in-law and has been serving in that capacity for over 10 years. In college at SLU, Matt met Dan's sister, Becky, whom he lives with in St. Louis, along with their three children, Luke, T.J., and Lucy.
Conversation Starters:
- Packers
- Spending Too Long at Family Functions
- Woodworking
Becky Giunta
Becky is Dan's older sister. She went to SLU for her undergrad degree, and the University of Texas at Austin for her graduate degree. Becky and Matt live in St. Louis with their three kids - Luke, TJ, and Lucy.
Conversation Starters:
- Rubber Snakes
- Mario Kart
- Blurb books
Evan Murphy
Evan is Erin's younger brother. Evan is from Owatonna, MN and graduated from the University of Minnesota. He currently lives in Palm Desert, CA where he serves as a teaching pro at Rancho la Quinta Country Club.
Conversation Starters:
- Golf Swings
- Curb Your Enthusiasm Quotes
- Altima Ownership
Monaca Zlatic
Monaca is Dan's sister-in-law. She graduated from SLU, and Fontbonne University for her graduate degree. Monaca and Joe live in St. Louis with their son, George.
Conversation Starters:
- Crock Pot Queen
- Gardening
- Richard Scarry Paintings
Tom Shaner
Tom and Dan have been friends since high school. After attending the U-High, Tom went on to study at the University of Richmond. He currently lives in St. Louis with his wife, Ember.
Conversation Starters:
- Ultimate Fighting
- Backyard Pools
- Wolves
Megan Primeau
Megan and Erin met 8 years ago working at US Federal Credit Union in Burnsville, MN. Originally from Armstrong, IA, Megan graduated from Buena Vista U. in Storm Lake, IA. Megan and her husband, Greg live in Woodbury, MN, and have two children - Isabelle and Aidan.
Conversation Starters:
- Chicken Bones
- MN Sports
- The 'Cheese' Guy
Paul Reh
Paul has been Dan's friend since high school. After attending The St. Louis University High, Paul attended Marquette in Milwaukee. Currently Paul lives in St. Louis with his wife, Nicole and two sons, Nicholas and Alex.
Conversation Starters:
- Music of the 1980s
- Teen Wolf
- Rental Cars
Mary Leary
Mary and Erin met as freshman at the University of St. Thomas in St. Paul, MN, and became instant friends. Mary grew up in Apple Valley, MN, and now lives minutes away in Eagan, MN.
Conversation Starters:
- Croatia
- Broadway Musicals
- Sunday Circulars
Sean Murphy
Sean is Erin's youngest brother, from Owatonna, MN. He currently resides in Rochester, NY where he attends the Rochester Institute of Technology. Sean is also an assitant captain on the RIT hockey team.
Conversation Starters:
- St. Louis Humidity
- Beer
- Dinosaur BBQ

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